This Wednesday night is one of the capstone events of Eat Drink Local week: The third annual Taste of Greenmarket, one of the better walk-around tastings in a town currently cluttered with the genre. That’s partially because of the world class roster of chefs that actually show up to serve their fine food in honor of local ag — no lackeys sent with saute pans here.
But it’s also because the money goes not just to running one of the most successful farmers’ market programs in the world (in terms of their focus on serving all members of the city, and the State’s farmers and the sustainable agriculture movement) but to one of their most important yet little known programs: Youth Education and getting school kids into and onto farms and their own school gardens.
But enough feel-good banter. This year’s shindig also features an auction with one of the cooler items we’ve seen in recent years — other than the heirloom goods at our produce auction at Sotheby’s last week, that is — meaning a print of a map of New York City made entirely of Greenmarket fruits and vegetables. It was produced for Greenmarket and donated to the auction by photographer Christopher Griffith, and you can learn more about it and other auction items here. Caveat: We actually ate some of Murray Hill just last week.