According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, that old-fashioned garden and life guide that belongs on the bedside table of anybody with a fondness for farming, if only for the giggles it provides, “if February give much snow, a fine summer it doth foreshow.” Very nice to know on this frigid start to the month. Also, be sure start your onion seeds inside now, so they’ll be ready to set outside in April. Speaking of suggestions, some of the leaders in deep thinking about sustainable agriculture and farm and food policy — including our very own publisher, Brian Halweil, as well as the first farmer to win a genius grant — will be giving them out tomorrow night. The event is called The NYC Food Almanac: 2011 Forecasting the Year Ahead in Food and Farm Policy and Politics. It’s part of a series of panels called Food for Thought, and you can find out more right here.