Usually we’re advocates of device-free dining. But that was before the #eatdrinklocal Twitter stream started buzzing with pictures, recipes and farmstand tips on how our readers are eating, shopping and dining during Eat Drink Local. So, until June 30, we encourage you to whip out your smartphone (or other camera) and shoot your food and drink–like our reader Brian Luster did with these gorgeous pickles he made with radishes from the Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket.
Share your pics and tips on our Facebook wall or Twitter stream (tagged with #eatdrinklocal). We think that act has inherent value in the interest of building markets for porgies, radishes, local beer and wine, and everything else our restaurant partners celebrate during Eat Drink Local. But to sweeten the deal, if you post, at the end of the week, we’ll send you the code for one year of access to the digital edition of Edible–a $15 value that includes access to all our issues archives.