You can find most of these across the city at Good Beer Seal-approved bars, Whole Foods and other specialty shops.
Best Sips
Today, New York’s bar scene has finally turned the tide where being a woman in the industry is no novelty.
The event comes to Astor Center on March 10.
While the steps are the same as for French Champagne, the difference is the grapes.
You can get some sense of a place by driving through it in a car, but for someone with a limited amount of time the best way to absorb it is from the seat of a bicycle.
Since they opened in 2011, Wandering Star’s shine became quickly apparent among tough-critic craft brew hounds.
The Finger Lakes are a world class wine region right on our doorstep. If you’re in the area, here’s where we recommend you visit and, of course, drink.
Brooklyn Uncorked is an amazing celebration of this spirit and the talent, and Southold Farm + Cellar will be there for the first time pouring out their wine (and, well, to be all sticky-shmoopy about it, their heart).
Yesterday’s Indie Spirits tasting at the Penn Club in Midtown was a thoroughly apropos wrap-up to this year’s Manhattan Cocktail Classic.
Carlo DeVito’s cellar is much more than the chaotically bountiful collection of an out-of-control grape geek.
At Rouge Tomate, where gleaming two-toned hardwood floors, modernist banquettes and glowing tomato-red panels make everyone appear to radiate inner balance, you can — quite literally — drink to your health.
Hybrids have never gotten a lot of respect in the wine world, but you should keep your glass open to check out New York wines made from these grapes.