In Season

IN OUR CURRENT ISSUE: Foraging for Burdock Stems

In our current issue, Marie Viljoen, mistress of edible weeds, waxes eloquent about the flowering stems of the burdock plant. “Those who eat burdock typically cook only the root. But the fast-growing stems are a delicious wild food. Cooked, they are a semantic and gustatory marriage of globe and Jerusalem artichokes,” she writes.


From August to early November, autumn-olive trees around the city are loaded with red currant-like berries, easily identifiable by their silver-stippled skins. In our current issue, Marie Viljoen shares tips for where to find the trees, when to taste the berries and how to turn the sweetly tart fruit into luscious autumn-olive jam.

IN OUR CURRENT ISSUE: Foraging for Urban Pigweed

In our latest issue, Marie Viljoen shares her tips for foraging for and dining on pigweed–a hearty weed once cultivated by the Aztecs for its precious seeds that now takes over the city come summer time. From sautéed atop crostini to baked in a pigweed tart, Viljoen offers several ways to enjoy the nutritious leaves.