Eating turkey at Thanksgiving isn’t for everyone. That’s why you can adopt a turkey named Antoinette with Ellen Degeneres, or you can skip turkey altogether and try your hand at cooking a different bird. We don’t really know exactly what was eaten at the first Thanksgiving (the pilgrims went on a “fowling mission” but we have no idea what they actually caught), and experimenting with guinea hen or pheasant will certainly not degrade the Thanksgiving tradition beyond recognition. This season you can buy Vermont-raised quail, guinea hen and pheasant from Eat Food Distributors, a CSA based on the Upper East Side.
Their Thanksgiving offerings also include a one-stop-shop assorted vegetable box that includes potatoes, pearl onions, acorn squash, kale, green beans, Brussels sprouts, carrots, and turnips. They can also hook you up with locally produced goat cheese, cranberries, and cornbread mix. If you order by November 14, your birds and veggies will be delivered to your house by November 22.