Lovers of all that is porky and pastured are probably all familiar with The Piggery, right? No? Well get this: They’re a full-service pig farm and charcuterie upstate in Trumansburg, where oinkers are free to roam and nibble through barley, walnuts, field peas and whatever else they want, year-round, lending to natural marbly goodness for your grill. Once reserved for upstaters, their 12-week CSA shares were opened to NYC residents this summer, bringing the city its first-ever all-meat CSA with all sorts of cuts and fixings: chops, ribs, sirloin, sausages, pate, bacon, deli meats, pork-jowl confit, even lard and cracklings. Enough torture, you say? Trust, we wouldn’t be telling you this unless they were coming back for a second season.
Winter sign-up is now open through thepiggery.net with deliveries kicking off December 1st and lasting through February 24th. Co-owner Heather Sandford advises signing up by Thanksgiving, but we’d do it asap, if we were you—as any CSA shareholder will tell ya, slots fill up fast.
Deliveries are to be picked up at Jimmy’s No. 43 on Wednesdays from 4-7pm, or at d.b.a Williamsburg for our neighbors in Brooklyn. Choose from a “quarter hog” portion ($300 for 3 lbs. of meat biweekly), a half hog ($600 for 3 lbs. weekly), and if you’re really pork happy—or looking to feed your co-op—go ahead and get yourself a whole hog at $1,200 for a whopping 6 lbs. of meat per week.
All options will give you the same items per delivery (just in different portions)—something for dinner (sirloin, sausages), something sliced (bacon, deli meat), and seasonal treats, like potato-pork terrine. If the upfront ticket price is too much, consider their monthly payment plan. Either way, while summer grilling season fizzles out and you’re looking for something robust to roast away your winter solace, you’ll have already reserved yourself local, pastured pork for the cold months ahead.