At Cookshop, sourcing locally is serious business. From a strict Made-in-America-only cheese policy to the grand six-foot chalkboard displaying the names of the farmers who provide the restaurant’s ingredients, every touch celebrates our local foodshed.
Tag: locavorism
Peas are showing up on purportedly locavore menus around town, but honest local pods won’t debut at Greenmarket for another month or so. Until then, we like to pre-game with PEA SHOOTS, which are literally popping up all over and contain the true taste of the finished product, minus the waiting.
Despite misleading “spring menus” all over town, seeds are only just going into the ground, and for real Greenmarketeers, the cupboard’s still pretty bare. But there’s one ingredient that makes April eating great: eggs.
Where some vacationers see surf and sand, this sustainable food expert finds local okra, grassfed lamb and the rumblings of an agricultural transformation.. Read the story for more on the island’s shift away from producing sugar crops for export to growing okra and raising grassfed lamb to feed the locals.