When it comes to local, sustainable fish, what’s old is new again.
Tag: sustainable seafood
As of now there is no federal framework to regulate aquaculture in the U.S., leaving a pretty significant policy vacuum and a lot of open questions.
Seamore’s and Yuji Ramen have teamed up to promote eating the invasive shellfish.
Mayanoki has assumed the challenge of showing that the right thing to do can also be the most interesting.
“We’re attempting to take a stand against the expensive. Food and wine should be enjoyed, not worshipped, and available for everyone.”
Dock to Dish’s daily catch will become digitally traceable so consumers can follow their seafood’s journey from boat to plate.
We’re psyched for the week’s programming that includes everything from an oyster farm visit to a crack-of-dawn tour of the new Fulton Fish Market.
What does the future of sustainable seafood look like in New York? What kinds of efforts are already being made? What has Hurricane Sandy taught us, as island-dwellers and fish-eaters?
Award-winning author Paul Greenberg will join us at Edible Institute on May 10 to lead a panel discussion dedicated to gauging the importance and impact of the smaller operartors.
Our Brian Halweil recently joined WNYC’s Amy Eddings on Last Chance Foods to discuss why “squid is the kale of the sea.”
On October 16, Slow Food NYC and Sea to Table will host an event at Haven’s Kitchen that celebrates the New England fishing community and brings awareness to how we can support these fisherman by eating sustainable species.
We were pleased years ago when Whole Foods launched sustainably-minded color-coding at the fish counter, as per the Blue Ocean Institute. Starting April 22 the grocer is phasing out the red-flagged fish altogether.