We’ve just got word from our friends at the High Line that they’ve already sold nearly a third of the available $5 tickets to their Social Soup Experiment on October 22. On that day two seatings of 95 diners will gather at one communal table high above the streets to sup bean and farro soup–sourced from New York State farms and served alla Romana with spicy olive oil. We’re a sponsor, as is the $5 Challenge, which hopes to prove that you can eat well and deliciously on a budget without opting for fast or processed food. Here’s more about the event, and chef Mona Talbot, from the planners:
Saturday, October 22, 2011 1:00PM – Saturday, October 22, 2011 2:30PM
High Line Food Presents a Social Soup Experiment
Join us for the first communal meal on the High Line.
The meal will be a culinary adventure: what happens when hundreds of people gather for a one-pot meal at a communal table in a restaurant without walls placed on the High Line?
Join us to find out. Come in groups of four with an appetite, and meet your neighbors.
Sit elbow to elbow at one long table and eat a simple, substantial, and economical lunch: a large bowl of nourishing soup with a hunk of hearty bread, for the small price of $5.
The meal is open to people of all ages, but space is limited. We hope to serve soup for parties of four people, but individual bowls of soup will be available as well. Purchase tickets in advance, or on the High Line at 14th Street on the day of the event.
There will be two 45-minute seatings, the first beginning at 1:00 PM and the second at 1:45 PM. Guests are encouraged to arrive 30 minutes in advance. Those who purchase tickets in advance must bring their confirmation to gain entry.
14th Street Passage On the High Line at 14th Street.
The ticket price includes servings of hearty bean and farro soup, prepared by chef Mona Talbott, using ingredients from New York State farms and served alla Romana with spicy olive oil. Local wines, beer, and apple cider will be available for purchase separately.
Mona Talbott just returned to the United States from Rome, where she was the executive chef and founding director of the Rome Sustainable Food Project at the American Academy in Rome. Talbott trained under Alice Waters, and recently wrote her second cookbook, Zuppe, Soups from the Kitchen of the American Academy in Rome.
This High Line Program is presented in partnership with Eater, Edible Manhattan, Hot Bread Kitchen, The Green Table, Slow Food USA, and the $5 Challenge.