File this one under better late than never (we hope) but we wanted to bring up an interesting article in last week’s New York Times business section about the changing face of Duane Reade, the massive pharmacy chain that started in downtown Manhattan. The story chronicled how the company is not just renovating its storefronts with a light and modern new look but what it stocks based on its city neighborhood: Goya goods in Latin nabes, locally made cakes in east Midtown where perhaps bakeries don’t bake and at the semi-new shop in Williamsburg, a craft beer section including draft beer by the growler-fill. In fact, at a Brooklyn Brewery party last month we were told that the place does gangbuster business, selling so many Brooklyn Brewery growler fills they needed more kegs midweek. Of course we do take issue with the notion the story puts forth about that particular piece of Williamsburg being lacking in suds until the Reade’s arrival. Spuyten Duyvil Grocery, just two blocks away, anyone?