Even the most die-hard Manhattanites likely know Brooklyn’s most famous alternative supermarket, the coop in Park Slope that has scored at least three Times profiles in recent years. But the super successful, work-to-shop grocery known for low prices on excellent quality and sustainably sourced goods is fairly maxed out in terms of new members of late — — there’s practically a waiting list for the waiting list. Luckily a new one is opening on Putnam Avenue in Clinton Hill, called the Greene Hill Food Co-Op. It’s still in the early stages of development, and right now it serves as a buying club while founders raise funds, recruit new members and ready the operation to start selling organic and local produce, artisanal American cheeses, high-quality bulk foods, environmentally sound cleaning products and other coveted goods that are rarely seen in the typical Brownstone Brooklyn Met Foods. To that end the place is hosting a fundraiser cum party this Saturday on May 7. It’s $35 in advance, will be held on a loft rooftop in a former creamery, will be followed by a dance party and includes Brooklyn Brewery beer, and includes food from locavoric Brooklyn locals like No. 7, Roman’s, Lunetta, Olea, the Meat Hook, Ample Hills Creamery, Flatbush Farm, Pequeña and Maggie Brown’s. For more details and a link to buy tickets check out their Facebook page.