Now that it’s finally leather jacket season, the collection of food and drink–related enamel pins that dot my lapel are back on display. There’s a knife, a chile pepper, a burger and the one that always gets everyone most excited: a bottle of Campari. Amid all the coozies and cups and temporary tattoos at the Speed Rack championship, it was this pin that was most irresistible. I wanted to represent my love for the bitter red apértif all day, every day, showing everyone I greet that I’m always down for a Negroni.
Thanks to candy-maker Sweet Saba, there’s a new a way for everyone to wear (and enjoy) Campari. She partnered up with the company to create a very grown-up Ring Pop; it’s selling for $62, and 10% of the proceeds will go to City Harvest.
“I work with a flavorist who created the essence based on the flavor of Campari, which is bitter orange with cherry, cinnamon and mint,” maker and designer Maayan Zilberman tells me. “Since the alcohol would burn off during the process of candy making and the sugar would get so hot it would alter the taste of the cocktail, I actually used a solution much like a perfume essence the help emulate the flavor of the liqueur itself and stay true to the iconic Campari bitter flavor we all know.”
As for the design of this rock, she says, “A lot of my sugar work emulates crystals and geodes, and plays with light. My favorite thing about Campari when paired with ice is how translucent it is, and ends up looking like precious gems.”
Want to bring a new meaning to cocktail-appropriate attire at the office holiday party? Get yours.