You already know we’re big fans of city chickens: At least two of our current cover stories on this site are on keeping layers in the city. And last fall one our very first weekly segments for NY1 introduced viewers to Hattie Carthan community garden in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, where Just Food City Farms Program Manager Owen Taylor was helping a few urban farmers install their second chicken coop.
Just Food is a non-profit working to solve issues of food security in the city — that means they want not just to make sure every community has access to enough food, but that that food be high-quality, nutrient-rich, fresh food. To that end they help set up and run CSAs in city neighborhoods, help with urban gardening and farming projects, work to get local produce into soup kitchens and the like, teach community cooking classes, and help train city folks how to keep chickens, which is why a New York City organization would keep a guy trained in livestock like Taylor on the payroll.
Taylor is a key part of Just Food’s City Chicken Project, which currently helps nearly a dozen local community and school gardens raise birds in their communal backyards, and also provides information for home birders, too. This year they hope, in addition to running their regular city chicken meet-up groups and informational sessions, to provide chickens, construction materials and hands-on assistance building and maintaining urban poultry palaces for three new community coops, one in Brooklyn, one in the South Bronx, and one in Harlem.
City Chickens was originally funded by Heifer International, but this year Just Food is on thir own and needs to raise the $9,926 they’ve estimated it’ll cost to create the coops. (Which will pay off not just in eggs and life lessons on caring for animals, but for local community gardens that can sell a dozen for $4, as a Brooklyn farmer noted in our NY1 piece last year).
To do that they’re running a Kickstarter fundraiser campaign until June 27th. (Executive Director
If you pledge more than $15, you’ll score an invite to a beer and local food-tasting event they’re calling Kegs and Kluckers at Brooklyn Brewery in Williamsburg on July 6th, where you’ll get a chance to commingle with coop-keepers old and new and drink plenty of craft beer, in honor of July’s Good Beer Month. It’s also a chance for the Brewery and the bird-lovers to finally start up the spent brewing grain-as-chicken-feed project both have been talking about for years. We’re looking forward to the eggs already.
Tickets for the event will go on-sale after the campaign is over, and their proceeds will also support City Chickens, but why not give an extra bang for your buck right now?