Our September/October issue is up online, and it’s all about the fall harvest, baby. It’s in honor of our Eat Drink Local week, which runs from September 26th to October 6th.
To that end we spend a 17 hour day with the manager of Union Square greenmarket (chaos! cucurbits! cops! crowds! ), lay down the line on the best local grapes you’ll ever taste, wax poetic about chef and “vegetable whisperer” Jonathan Waxman, score some wicked locally made apple mead, give a shout out to some sweet food pantries and farmy field trips for kids, and issue our first-ever Eat Drink Local Week Challenge, wherein we instruct you to try — along with us — to try and master the 20 activities on our list of locavoric activities that we’ll all share at a big end-of-season party.
Oh yeah, we’ve also got a killer story about the history and the state of the egg cream. Which isn’t exactly harvesty, but it is so cool you’ll surely forgive us.