If you missed the past few episodes of The Food Seen — a show on Heritage Radio Network about the intersection of food and art, don’t worry, they’re archived here. In the past month a handful of inspiring, insightful, and influential “food artists” have made appearances, starting with Cat Kramer of CallMeCat.com and Zack Denfeld of GeonomicGastronomy.com, who discuss biohacking, GMO’s, Zack’s glow-in-the-dark sushi, and Cat’s “Ice Cream” Cloud Project. That show’s right here.
There’s also another with Natalie Jeremijenko of NYU’s Environmental Health Clinic on environmental activism through visual arts performance and education. In her studies she’s found schools of Hudson River fish to be on Zoloft, spoken with geese in their own language by avatar, and cured frogs of a deadly fungus with a kiss. Listen to believe.
There’s also the show with Corin Hewitt on food’s temporal nature, as he contemplated during his time spent cooking for his Seed Stage exhibition in the Whitney, he also alludes food as porn, but that’s another show… In the meantime, listen to Hewitt on his exhibition.