As long as you’re already headed to Brooklyn this weekend for the Farm City Fair, you might as well stick around, right? This weekend the written word will be feted in the Borough of Kings thanks to the massive free Brooklyn Book Festival, which features readings, panels and discussions from authors upcoming and long-standing. It’s held downtown in various locales all day Sunday, and there will of course be a few panels about food writing, including one with several cookbook authors from the borough moderated by yours truly. The panelists are: Chefs Frank Falcinelli and Frank Castronovo (The Frankies Spuntino: Kitchen Companion & Cooking Manual), Ramin Ganeshram (Sweet Hands: Island Cooking from Trinidad & Tobago), and Amy Besa (Memories of Philippine Kitchens). That’s at 1 p.m. on the main stage at Borough Hall in downtown Brooklyn.