A shuttered New York is a grim New York, and no one knows that better than us. We live and breathe food, and we want nothing more than to encourage the diversity, culture, and deep passion that is the New York City dining scene. Most of all, we are confident in its survival. We are confident that we can get through this. It will be difficult. Not all restaurants will make it. Dining as we know it may have to shift, at least for the short-term.
But the answer, at least for now, is to continue to support restaurants, large and small, because supporting restaurants means supporting restaurant workers, restaurant owners, farmers, purveyors, and everyone else with a stake in this fight.
Here is a list of 30 restaurants from around the city from which you can order takeout, delivery, or both right now. If we did not include you, it’s not because we don’t love you. Compiling a comprehensive list of (excuse my bias here) the most important American food city’s restaurants is probably an impossible undertaking, but we want you to have as many resources at your disposal as is humanly possible in trying times.
So if you are a restaurant owner, a restaurant worker, a restaurant lover, a naysayer, a cheeky antagonist, a helper, or someone with a glaring omission who is just looking to broaden our perspective, please feel free to email takeout and delivery tips to us at EdibleManhattanTips@gmail.com. Please include the name, address, and phone number of the restaurant, and whether it is available for takeout or delivery (or both!)
From our kitchen, living room, and bedroom (depending on where you do your best eating) to yours, we wish you more delicious meals, and the hope to persevere through these dark times. We are here. And so are so many restaurants. Stay full.
To check out our curated (and growing) list of restaurants offering takeout and delivery in the city, please click here.