Last Minute Gift Ideas for Food Lovers

If you’re heading out in the next few days to track down one more perfect holiday gift, we’ve got a few ideas. From the avid cook to the amateur bartender, this city is a veritable treasure chest of edible gifts.

RECIPE: Kvass Cocktail

This cocktail calls for beet kvass, a slightly fizzy, naturally fermented drink from the Old World. Find it at Zabar’s made by Brooklyn-based company The Gefelteria.

There’s Still Time to Sign Up for A Winter CSA of Frozen Local Produce

Eating local in New York 12 months a year used to be challenge. It took planning and hard work–canning, drying and making jam, or else you’d end up eating stored root vegetables all winter. But now, thanks to pioneering upstate farmers, we city dwellers can eat Hudson Valley produce–without suffering one bit!–all winter long. The trick? Winter CSAs of frozen local produce.


In the 1990’s, bread was a sad scene in New York. Most bakers were churning out fluffy white stuff made with industrial yeast. Thankfully for New Yorkers then (and us now), along came a pioneering woman with an artisanal vision.

Good Food Awards 2013 Finalists Announced

While other awards recognize food that tastes good or food that is good for the planet, the Good Food Awards honor people who make food that is good in all senses of the word: delicious, respectful of the environment, and connected to communities and cultural traditions. This year’s finalists represented us New Yorkers well, with 17 of those finalists hailing from our great state.

EDIBLE GLIMPSES: Gingerbread Houses

As part of the New York Botanical Garden’s annual Holiday Train Show, local bakers put on a display of better-than-your-five-year-old-could-make gingerbread houses (we love kiddie art, but these are serious gingerbread masterpieces).