Thanks to the fine blog The Food Section for alerting us to the fact that the Girl Scouts added a locavore badge earlier this month. (It looks a lot like our very own business card, which maybe isn’t surprising.)
According to a piece in USA Today, the badges are the first major upgrade since 1987 and a part of a modernizing of the group as they get ready for next year’s 100-year-anniversary. (The fashion, fitness and makeup badge becomes science of style, etc., badges on financial literacy and digital movie making have also been added.) Though as Josh Friedland of The Food Section points out, like adult locavores, the scouts are going back in time as much as they’re going forward. The locavore badge, which is available to senior scouts, might enable them to connect with long-gone badges like canner, farmer, beekeeper and dairy maid.
We also notice that the path to achieving the badge, as noted in The Food Section story, is also pretty similar to our own Eat Drink Local Challenge, which we put out each year. Maybe we could work with some local troops to help a few young women earn the best badge of all. Okay, that’s actually the canoeing badge, which still sits proudly on our own sash from Troop 222 hanging somewhere in our parents’ basement.