Thanksgiving has come and gone, but many of you will be looking for ways to cook the bird, bake the pies, and libate the guests in just another month. Here’s a re-cap of some of the awesome advice that chef Alfred Portale of Gotham Bar and Grill gave during our Thanksgiving-themed Q & A last Tuesday right on our Facebook page.
Pumpkin cheesecake and cranberry granite make wonderful pie alternatives.
Basting is the best way to achieve crisp turkey skin.
Fresh grated ginger makes a world of a difference in homemade cranberry sauce.
Try a red wine, like a red burgundy or a pinot noir (preferably with a little age) alongside the turkey. Pinot gris is also a nice accompaniment.
Use butter over lard when making pie crust.
Pappardelle with wild mushrooms, toasted pine nuts and olive oil is a delicious dinner option for vegan guests.
Try marinating your turkey overnight in a plastic bag filled with a mixture of crushed juniper berries, diced onions, thinly sliced ginger, black pepper, garlic and olive oil.
Roasted wild mushrooms with thyme and rosemary and roasted cauliflower with a little curry and yellow raisins make great side dishes.
Duck and venison make great turkey alternatives.
For a fresh twist on the old canned cream of mushroom soup and green bean casserole dish, try combining fresh green beans, roasted shiitake mushrooms, sliced garlic and a little salt and pepper.
For more tips from the Q & A, scroll down on the wall of our Facebook page.