We’ve met no man more obsessed with city seafoodery than Ben Sargent. He started out making chowder for surfers at Hurricane Hopeful, a chowder shack right off Williamsburg’s main Bedford Avenue drag, launched a killer website with recipes and his own fishing videos, went on to host a seafood and fishing radio show (“Catch it, Cook it, Eat it“) on Heritage Radio Network, and then made tabloid fame with Dr. Klaw, his ghetto-rap style alter ego — shown below — who delivers what we think are the city’s best and butteriest lobster rolls. (In fact, we were once at a fancy-pants lobster roll cook-off party he crashed in full costume and toting a heated bag of lobster rolls. We wrote-in his as the winner.)
Then, he made the cover of the last Edible Brooklyn for his attempts to bring local fishing back to the borough through development of the Brooklyn Urban Anglers Association and a fishing derby with the mission of finding “Brooklyn’s biggest hooker” (that you can still enter and win!). Last but not least, and not in the least surprising, he’s finally scored his own show on the Cooking Channel, Hook, Line and Dinner, which airs tonight at 9pm. Watch it, people! And if you miss it, it’s on again at 1 am!