The Bar:
Blind Tiger Ale House
What They Do:
“Blind Tiger” is the prohibition-era equivalent of hear-no-evil, see-no-evil, get arrested for no evil. Instead of selling alcohol, dirty dives of the 1800s would sell “tickets” to see a “blind tiger” (or some other equally ridiculous fictional phenomena), then pass out the “free” booze. Seems a perfect name for a bar with one of the largest craft beer lists in the city, and a perfect profile for both a Friday and the start of Craft Beer Week, to boot. Note too, the menu of exceptionally devilish bar food, like a pimento cheese spread, a 7-pepper chili, and The Bloody Beast Mini: a rare roast beef slider with a side of bloody Mary sauce.
Why We Love It:
Did you not just read about The Bloody Beast Mini? But what really solidifies our amore for BTAH is their long, rotating list of craft and cask beers — both local (Ommegang, Brooklyn, Dogfish Head) and international (like Haandbryggeriet’s Norwegian wood-smoked ale). Safe to say, this bar is Good Beer Seal approved. Oh, and every Wednesday at 6pm, they lay down nearly four pounds of Murray’s Cheese (and Amy’s bread, both shops conveniently just up the block) — for free! Plus, happy hour lasts from 11am to 8pm every weekday with a buck off most drinks.
Where To Find It:
Head to 281 Bleecker Street from 11:30am to 4am, any day of the week, or check their website (blindtigeralehouse.com) for updates on what they’re serving. You can even sign up for their boozy newsletter, too. And as an EDL partner (along with fellow Good Beer bars, Jimmy’s and Resto in Manhattan and Pacific Standard in Brooklyn), Blind Tiger will be featuring local beers ( Sixpoint Bengali IPA, Brooklyn Brewmaster and Wheat, and Blue Point Hoptical Illusion and a special Anniversary IPA).
From September 26th to October 6th Edible Manhattan, Edible East End and Edible Brooklyn — in conjunction with Edibles statewide and GrowNYC — present Eat Drink Local week, our celebration of the local food chain through heirloom vegetable auctions, wine tastings, DIY challenges, lectures, garden tours, farm to table dinners and countless other events. Over the next few weeks we’re highlighting a few of the restaurants, wine shops and wineries, breweries and beer bars, farms and food artisans and cultural institutions that the week is meant to celebrate.