Want to make your Valentine a romantic farm-to-table meal but don’t know your romaine from your rutabaga? Let chef Mark Murphy make the meal for you, if the price is right. Until February 9th you can bid on a Valentine’s Day dinner prepared for you by the chef of Benchmarc restaurants. Murphy is a member of City Harvest’s Board of Directors and their Food Council, and is offering himself up for auction online to raise money on their behalf. You tell him what to cook and he’ll show up with the groceries.
For more about the work that City Harvest does, check out our 2009 story on another famous chef (Eric Ripert) and why he works with the food-rescue organization.
Meanwhile you can actually give to the group in three other ways on V-Day: On the 14th every single vanilla flan with berry pico de gallo and caramel sauce (courtesy chef Julian Medina) served at the GOODNESS pop-up in the Museum of Arts and Design restaurant will be donated to City Harvest. (Go to goodnesspopup.com for more details.) Half of every $2 heart-shaped red velvet whoopie pies sold at Tribeca Treats through February 17 will go to City Harvest. (Go to 94 Reade Street and online at tribecatreats.com.)
And then City Harvest’s mobile restaurant guide, Great Food, Good Hearts, will direct you to the more than 275 restaurants, bakeries and cafes that work with City Harvest to help them get food to the hungry. (Go to cityharvest.org/restaurant-guide to download from iTunes or Android Market.) So if you don’t win a date with Murphy, just be sure to hit one of these spots instead.