We realize that Martin Luther King Jr. Day is not the holiday most often associated with barbecue, but Bodum has offered us a few of their Fyrkat 13.4-inch portable charcoal grills to give away to a few readers this year, and we don’t want to wait until July.
They also come in a range of tropical colors tipped with red (lime, fire-engine red, orange–hell even the white is spiffy) and just looking at the cute little guys kind of makes these bitterly cold days we knew were going to arrive a little easier to deal with.
Here’s how to enter to win: In honor of future grilling on sunny summer days, tell us about your favorite city butcher shop in the comments below. Be sure to register with a real email address so we can contact you later if you win. We’ll pick a reader based on what we think is the best response. Extra points for those who lead us to best-of butcher shops we haven’t already tracked down for our online listings. (If you need inspiration, check out this list here.)
With help from our readers on queries like this one, we hope to build out our online directory so that it grows to include all the Edible-minded businesses we might be missing. The Fyrkat is one of a handful of things we hope to be able to award readers in monthly give-aways like this one this year, so stay tuned to our blogroll–the easiest way to do that is to sign up for our email newsletter, at right–for contests.