Edible’s Eat Drink Local Week doesn’t officially begin until the end of next month, but our new May/June issue of Edible Manhattan is all about the topic. There are stories about this year’s rooftop garden dinners hosted by Bobo restaurant; a group of green-thumbed city dwellers called a Crop Mob who descend on a local farm to help; foraging for berries in Battery Park; and Rick Bishop, one of the city’s most respected and specialized Greenmarket farmers. Plus our cover story, a 1977 essay from writer John McPhee about his time working the Greenmarket. That’s just for starters: To read ’em all you can find a copy in our partner shops, markets and restaurants, and as always, we’d so totally be thrilled if you’d support us — and New York City food culture — by subscribing. Right now, by the way, we’re making it extra enticing by tossing in a free food-minded gift.