We know we just urged you to vote for The Lower East Side Tenement Museum’s project to repair its crumbling walls, but The New York Botanical Garden–whose children’s farming programs and yearly Edible Garden project we’ve written about several times in the past– also needs funding to restore the waterfall in its Rock Garden, a 2.5 acre landscape built under the Works Progress Administration between 1932 and 1936.
But fear not. You can vote for this great project, AND still support the one we asked you to vote for earlier (read our plea to support the Tenement Museum here). You’re allowed to vote once a day in the competition, held by the NYC Partners in Preservation Program, until Monday, May 21st. Then the top four organizations of the 40 vying for the cash will receive up to $250,000 to use toward a historic preservation project in their organization. Folks can cast their vote daily here until Monday, May 21st.