Transforming Cities: The Education Series

Feeding the more than 8 million hungry mouths in New York City is no small task. Join us on Wednesday, May 2nd as and the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure host a daylong seminar to tackle this complicated feat.

Earth Dinners in the City

In an effort to promote local, sustainable and organic foods, Chefs Collaborative and Organic Valley have teamed up to host a series of Earth Dinners. A portion of proceeds from the meals will go to helping Chefs Collaborative–a non-profit network of chefs working to celebrate local foods and foster a more sustainable food supply–achieve their mission.

Earth Day Entrepreneur Showcase: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

This Earth Day, April 22, Slow Money New York City is putting on a program to help readers like you figure out how to invest in the local food scene. The two-hour program will take place at Stone Barns Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture in Pocantico Hills, NY (cool!) and feature pitches from 5 awesome food and farm entrepreneurs looking to raise funds for their big ideas.