No self-respecting lover of refined brine or fan of the fermented is going to be anywhere but New Amsterdam Market tomorrow, when the first annual Peck Slip Pickle Festival brings nearly two dozen producers of pickled and fermented foods to South Street Seaport between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.. The day also includes a competition for amateur picklers–judging at 4:30–and as luck would have it, we happened to stumble into a sneak peek of the entries as they were laid out for tasting by a special panel of judges that included Rick Field of Rick’s Picks (the city’s prince of new pickling) Harry Rosenblum of The Brooklyn Kitchen (where you can take a class taught by Field and then buy everything you need to practice what you learn at home) and Robert LaValva, who spearheads New Amsterdam Market and the blossoming food, farm and market scene near South Street Seaport. LaValva, by the way, would like to urge all who come to the fest tomorrow to please dress like a pickle. Even if you don’t, if you’re lucky–and arrive early–you might get to taste some of the extra-special pickles shown above and below.

***More on the fest from the founders***
The first annual Peck Slip Pickle Festival is finally here! This Sunday, November 13, over 20 pickle and fermented food producers will join nearly 50 regular New Amsterdam Market vendors for a day of briny fun. We’re extending our regular hours by one hour so stop by anytime between 11am and 5pm, and don’t miss out on these special highlights.
At 12 noon, join Mimi Sheraton, acclaimed food writer and author of The Bialy Eaters, and Jessamyn Waldman, founder of Hot Bread Kitchen, as they discuss the elusive authentic bialy, a classic Jewish bread from Eastern Europe that’s often eaten with pickles. This free event takes place at Pasanella & Son Vintners, located across the street from the Market. Please RSVP to info@newamsterdammarket.org.
Local restaurant Fresh Salt the restaurant will be pouring a selection of 3 regional beers for $5 per beer. Purchase an advance tasting ticket and get all 3 beers plus a bialy from Hot Bread Kitchen for only $13!
Beginning at 3:30pm, the Sylvester Manor Worksongers — a group of talented workers who tend the Sylvester Manor Educational Farm on Shelter Island, NY — will perform traditional work songs, accompanied by Klezmer fiddler Jonathan Cannon. The Sylvester Manor Worksongers will also be selling produce from the farm so be sure to visit their stall.